Product Details

Para Blog Theme which is suitable for any kind of blog sites. It’s added custom widget will help to add the author and advertisement on your site. This is highly designed theme with quality codes. Check this free theme today, you will get the best ever experience from this theme. Demo:

Change Log

== Changelog ==
## 1.0.4 - November 11 2019 ##
* Extend compatibility to WordPress 5.3.0

= 1.0.3 =
* Fixed Search and Social icons on mobile
* Tested on latest WordPress version

= 1.0.2 =
* Fixed Footer error.
* Added Theme URI and Author URI.
* Design Changed.

= 1.0.1 =
* Fixed reviewers issues

= 1.0.0 =
* Added Advertisement Widget
* Fixed reviewers issues
* Major CSS design changed
* Added license of images used on screenshot.

= 0.0.2 =
* Maintain sanitization and validation
* Design Changed

= 0.0.1 =
* Initial submission on WordPress.Org

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