Product Details

Kumle is a simple, clean and lightweight multipurpose Elementor compatible WordPress theme. It is speed optimized theme with 95% GTMetrix PageSpeed Score. This theme is available at more than 10 languages including French, Greek, Swedish, Japanese, Ukrainian, Russian and more.

Change Log

= 1.0.8 ( 10/April/2019 ) =
* Theme and Author URI changed to WP Charms

= 1.0.7 ( 10/April/2019 ) =
* Theme and Author URI updated

= 1.0.6 ( 17/January/2019 ) =
* Upgrade to Pro added

= 1.0.5 ( 26/December/2018 ) =
* Minor CSS fix

= 1.0.4 ( 25/November/2018 ) =
* Screenshot changed

= 1.0.3 ( 24/August/2018 ) =
* Theme URI and Author URI added
* Removed author credit of footer 

= 1.0.2 ( 27/July/2018 ) =
* Screenshot changed
* Demo link added

= 1.0.1 ( 27/July/2018 ) =
* Fixed logo issue

= 1.0.0 ( 03/July/2018 ) =
* Initial release

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